If you own fashion business, you’ve probably run into issues with garment photography. To sell on a wide scale in today’s internet industry, especially in the clothes business, it’s critical to exhibit the items in the most innovative and successful way possible.
Clothing photography is simplified with the use of ghost mannequins. because it creates 3D effects all over your outfit and gives it a really human-like shape. The complete technique of ghost mannequin clothing photography is not as simple as it appears until you follow an ultimate guideline. Here, I’ll be walking you through 6 creative ways to achieve perfection with less work. Before you take deep dive into the detail, let’s go through the definition of ghost mannequin photography.
What is Ghost Mannequin Photography

The ghost mannequin, also known as the invisible mannequin, is a human-like mannequin with removable chest, arm, and leg sections. It’s used to produce a hollow man or 3D effect in clothing photography. You may present your clothes photographs in a more professional manner and attract more customers by using ghost mannequin effects. The use of a ghost mannequin to increase traffic and exposure to your fashion website is incredibly successful.
5 Creative Ways You Can Improve Your Ghost Mannequin Photography
Choose the Right Mannequin

Select the appropriate mannequin for your apparel. Because invisible mannequins are commonly available, you may be puzzled about the sizes. So, to achieve the proper size, mix and match your clothes with the mannequin. If you’re buying apparel for a woman’s body, for example, your mannequin should be a woman’s size in order for it to fit properly.
Make an effort to achieve symmetry
When it comes to ghost mannequin clothing photography, you can discover that your clothes aren’t properly styled on the mannequin. Aim to keep the shoulders level to achieve perfection. The hem of your garment is also something to pay attention to. To maintain all lines straight, use a grid overlay and make gradual modifications.
Use Pins, Clips, And Tape
Using pins, clips, and tape to tighten things up is one of the most inventive ways to photograph ghost mannequin clothing. If your apparel does not match the mannequin in this situation, you can still capture beautiful images using pins, clips, and tape. Make sure you pin from the back and don’t pull the fabric too tight. If the clothing is a little snug, don’t tighten it too much and work around it.
Closer and Back Shots are Recommended
When buyers look at items, they imagine themselves wearing them and develop various mental images in order to gain a better understanding of the product and make a decision. You must take back shots and showcase the entire range of products in order to exhibit them in an engaging manner. In this manner, you can produce more product detail, leave a favorable impression on your customers, and assist them in making decisions. Rotate the mannequin and snap photographs from the rear of the garment to get some back shots.
Show More Detail
The goal of ghost mannequin photography is to better showcase the shape of your apparel. You should also include more detail so that customers are aware of the extent of your product. In your images, make sure to highlight any interesting inner linings, cuffs, or zips on your garment. When it comes to selling your goods, all of these factors are really helpful.
Retouch Your Images

With retouching, you may make your ghost mannequin clothes photographs more perfect. Because there may be defects in your photographs that photography will not be able to correct. You may fine-tune your photographs with the help of retouching, whether you need to remove blemishes, alter colors, or make important adjustments. Follow this guide if you wish to edit photographs on your own.
Hire a professional invisible ghost mannequin service who can work within your time and budget if you don’t have enough time or talent to edit photographs on your own. We provide a high-end quality mannequin effect for your clothing products at a reasonable price. With 100% quality commitment, we deliver images as clients’ requirements. Most of the time our delivery takes 1-24 hours. Get a free trial to ensure our service quality before taking the service.
We recommend reading our details guide to ensure how an industry professional works on ghost mannequin photography.
Final words
Ghost mannequin photography is the most common and effective way to get perfect clothing shots. Whether you want to upload clothing images to an eCommerce website or advertise online, clothing images that are created by ghost mannequin clothing photography can attract more customers. If you have a fashion business, you may know the difficulty of the entire process of ghost mannequin photography. Focus on these creative ways to make it easy. Also, you should avoid possible mistakes that can be happened during the photography.