An eCommerce product display can make or break your sales. In recent years, eCommerce has grown considerably, and online merchants, eCommerce owners, and entrepreneurs have turned to a variety of eCommerce product display strategies to attract the most customers. They must not only capture the attention of potential clients with a captivating visual, but they must also entice them to explore the site further. I’ll lead you through experiments that revealed the most successful eCommerce product display methods for increasing sales in this article.
How to eCommerce Product images display for more sales

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You must use numerous product display ways to demonstrate the size, quality, and benefits of the products in order to grab the customer’s attention. Product information in images includes materials, product demos at special events, in-store or online center displays, booth showcases, and appealing point-of-purchase displays are all examples of good product display strategies. There are numerous methods and best practices for displaying product photos and boosting total eCommerce sales.
eCommerce product images best practices
Camera Setup for Sharp, Well-defined, High-quality Images

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A good camera setup enables you to capture photographs that are ideal for displaying eCommerce products. A professional photographer will use the setting’s quality to optimize their photographs so that they are sharp but yet have enough detail to make a powerful presentation.
The top three camera settings you need to consider when it comes to eCommerce product images: ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.
ISO: ISO refers to the sensitivity of your camera’s sensor. The lower the ISO, the better the image will turn out in most cases. Increase the ISO to add additional light to your photo and make the image faultless if you’re taking it in low light.
Aperture: The amount of light that enters the camera lens is referred to as the aperture. Because the aperture opening may be changed, the amount of light that reaches your DSLR changes as well. The lower the aperture, the light reaches your camera; the higher the aperture, the less light reaches your camera. Keep the aperture as high as feasible (F16 or F22) if the product needs to be more emphasized in your eCommerce product display.
Shutter Speed: The exposure time, or how long the camera’s sensor is exposed to light, is determined by the shutter speed of your camera. If you’re shooting in a photography studio with constant light, you can use faster shutter speeds to capture fast-moving action or produce candlelight effects. A faster shutter speed can generate motion blur, while a slower shutter speed can cause your photo to freeze. As a result, start at a steady speed to get more sharp and courteous photos. This can help you capture more memories in less time by speeding up the process.
Get the Adequate light Consistency

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You can get more details and improve the appearance of your products with the right lighting setup. It’s important that you take your time and become familiar with the camera settings and lighting kit before diving in. Use enough lights and reflectors to produce a pure white background for the best results. Additionally, to get higher exposure for your eCommerce product photos, learn the whole process.
Product Background for eCommerce

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The most crucial aspect in eCommerce product display has always been the white background. A clean and white background can make a great difference in the minds of your potential customers. To maintain their standards, well-known companies like Amazon, eBay, and Rakuten require white and clean backgrounds.
Using a white background is one of the greatest eCommerce product image practices. Photoshop or other background removal applications can be used to accomplish this.
Furthermore, to improve the consistency and sharpness of your photographs, Hire a professional background removal service
Take Multiple Shots
Showing multiple images of a product is one of the wonderful ways of eCommerce product display. It is recommended that you include as many photographs as possible. When it comes to online shopping, people care the most about various photos of a product. To depict the entire product from multiple views, a recommended amount of images for your eCommerce website is eight or more. This will provide your buyers with a good notion of how the product looks and differs from the competition.
Add Zoom Functionality in eCommerce Product Images Display

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Customers prefer to zoom in on their desired products when they visit your eCommerce website and see product photos. Adding zoom functionality allows them to see the details of the product images. This can also assist customers in visualizing what the product will look like when it is delivered to them. However, make sure that product photographs are in good resolution before submitting them so that they don’t appear blurry or unappealing when zoomed in.
Show Different Colors of Your Products Images

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When it comes to displaying eCommerce product images, colors are quite important in attracting customers. Customers are drawn to a product’s color, which allows them to choose from a multitude of possibilities. Customers are drawn to certain colors because of their familiarity and radiance, while others are drawn to them because of their relevance in today’s world. The color palette is an important aspect of the marketing process, and you must understand how to use colors correctly in e-commerce product photos.
Show the Size Comparison Within Your Product
Size comparison in eCommerce product image display makes it easy to understand the real size of the products. Customers usually prefer to see larger images of products because they provide more detail. This isn’t always the case, though. Small images of specific products can sometimes be effective. You can also alter the appearance of the products based on the image size. Small is ideal for handcrafted items such as clothing, handbags, and jewelry, for example. But Bigger images always have a bigger impact on sales.
Add Infographics
Customers care more about product images than lengthy product descriptions when shopping online. If a customer can see exactly what’s included with your product, the chances of them buying it are much higher. This is especially true if you have a variety of products to offer, such as different colors and sizes.
This is why infographics are used to better explain why people should buy the products. It’s unlikely that your customers will read the entire explanation when they look at the infographics. Customers will instead make a snap decision and buy from your e-commerce website.
Display The Products In Use
You will gain immediate credibility with your customers and increase online conversions if you show a product being used in an eCommerce product image display. Images of products in use assist customers in visualizing how they will benefit.
Consumers gain additional value from images of a product in use because they get to see how the product will work for them. The conversion rate of your business will increase as soon as you add a product in use image to your eCommerce site.
You can obtain such images by obtaining manufacturer product images, which are typically taken when the product is in use. You can also take pictures on your own.
Use Props
According to product image research, using props can be a great way to boost sales. Props are popular in eCommerce images because they add value to your products and help to establish a brand personality for your company. You can increase engagement and act as a key trigger for more sales by incorporating your brand personality into your images.
Make sure your props are relevant, simple, and match the color scheme before using them in your product images. It’s also a good idea not to overuse props! You should use them sparingly, or better yet, never at all.
Retouch for eCommerce product images display
Enhance the overall quality of the images you use to display eCommerce products. It’s very likely that your product images will have some flaws, such as dust and debris. Retouching product photos can help you get rid of them. Use Adobe Photoshop, the most widely used image editing software on the planet, to accomplish this. It assists you in quickly and safely removing imperfections, dust, and debris from your product images. If you don’t have the time or skills to edit your photos yourself, hire a professional image editing company to do it for you. Remember that in eCommerce, beautiful product images are everything.
Ensure That Your Product Images Adhere to the Following Technical Specifications
- Formats: JPEG, GIF, and PNG
- image pixel dimensions of 1000 pixels or more in height or width
- Color mode: sRGB or CMYK
Amazon uses the same technical requirements for product images.
The Final Words
The most important step in eCommerce is a product demonstration, and a product demonstration is everything. It’s worth investing in product photography and post-production processing if your product attracts customers’ attention. Focus on eCommerce product image display to attract more customers. This is how to show products that sell like hotcakes. Also, concentrate on the one strategy mentioned above so that you can move forward and exponentially grow your business.
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