eCommerce Photo Editing Services

Get professional eCommerce photo editing services to make your products stand out in the marketplace and increase sales.

A collage of four images: top left shows black shoes with brown soles on a blue background, top right displays an orange shopping bag on an orange background, bottom left features a black fragrance bottle on an orange background, and bottom right shows a green T-shirt on a green background, highlighting expert eCommerce photo editing.
10,000+ images per day.
Fast turnaround time.
Three step Quality Control
Commercially competitive.
Open 24/7/365
10,000+ images per day.
Fast turnaround time.
Three step Quality Control
Commercially competitive.
Open 24/7/365

Different eCommerce Product Photo Editing Services We Offer

Before cloth photo editing: Set of clothes appearing disorganized. After cloth photo editing: Set of clothes now appears neat and organized.

Apparel Photo Editing Service

We remove the background and other wrinkles or obstacles that can defocus your clothing items in the images. This service includes adjusting color tones, contrasts, and brightness to highlight your eCommerce products’ key features.

Shoe Image Editing Service

Presenting the shoe items in eCommerce requires more accuracy, as your customers want to see how they will fit in reality. This service offers background customization, color correction, and fixing imperfections in the shoe product photos.

before shoe photo editing The pink and white sneaker for girls is now impeccably enhanced, ready for casual wear or sports activities and look more appealing after photo editing.
A green baseball cap on a white background before editing The green baseball cap on a white background appears refined and enhanced.

Hat & Bag Image Editing Service

From the images of baseball caps to sun hats and tote bags to backpacks, we offer polished editing to make the items stunning. This service includes background work, color corrections, and shadow creations as required.

Eyeglass Image Editing Service

Eyeglass product images must not contain any reflection, lens glare, scratches, or smudges on the glass and frames, as they can defocus the main object. We have expert editors to give perfection to your eyeglass images.

before eyeglass photo editing After eyeglass photo editing, the black sunglasses with blue mirrored lenses look enhanced and polished.
Green couch with black metal frame, modern design. After furniture photo editing, the green couch with black metal frame exhibits enhanced aesthetics and appeal

Furniture Photo Editing Service

Furniture images require removing imperfections such as dents and stains on the surface. Our furniture photo editing services include background removal, color correction, retouching, shadow creation, and resizing to ensure the best visualization of your furniture items.

Underwear Product Image Editing Service

Underwear garments, lingerie, and other intimate apparel must be presented without imperfections and wrinkles. This eCommerce photo editing service offers perfection on ghost mannequins and model retouching related to undergarments.

before underwear photo editing after underwear photo editing

Why choose Us?

3-step Quality Control

99% of our image editing works get accepted by our customers without further revision, thanks to our 3-step quality control system.

Fast turn-around-time

Using our automated operations process and leveraging the skills of our specialist workforce.

Full-stack image processing capability

We are a complete end-to-end image servicing company, able to provide our customers with all their imaging needs.

Best value for money service

Time and time again our customers comment that our service is the best for price they pay.

Why choose UK Clipping Path company

Your Next Steps

Free Test:

send us a small batch of images and we will return to you the retouched images within 24 hours.


On approval of the test images, we will agree pricing and Terms & Conditions with you.


You will upload your images using any preferred method. Now you are all set. We will do the rest!

How Work UK Clipping Path Company

What we've accomplished

Data Protection
0 %

Our data security processes are governed by UK Law. We are ICO certified. We pride ourselves on maintaining the highest level of security when handing customer data.

On Time Delivery
0 %

We pride ourselves with our on-time-delivery Capability helping you to plan for your business with confidence.

Orders Completed
0 k Over

After 6 years of operation, we are pleased to confirm many repeat orders from existing customers.

Countrys Served
0 +

We have a global reach. Our global HQ is in the UK and our production facilities in Bangladesh. We work with multiple currencies.

What Our Client say in Trust Pilot Review :


The best way to find out about our capability is to send us a batch of images as a test -max 2 Images  we will process these for free within 24 hours – and we are confident we will secure your business.

Select 2 Image Only


Most frequent questions and answers

eCommerce photo editing service, also known as eCommerce product photo retouching service is a process of editing product photos to make them attractive and eye-catching. It involves the process of removing the background, creating mannequin effects, creating shadows, adjusting colors, etc. The main goal of eCommerce photo editing is to enhance the photo after production and pre-production in product photography.
Photo editing for product images costs as low as $0.79. However, the cost varies depending on the complexity of the work, and image quantity. Like simple white background making can cost $0.39, whereas the ghost mannequin can cost $0.99 to $5.
Image resizing and cropping are examples of simple and straightforward services. Creating clipping paths, background removal, color correction, adding shadows, and image retouching are some advanced product image editing services that e-commerce retailers frequently avail.
Adobe Photoshop is a versatile and comprehensive image editing software that offers tools for almost all editing and customization tasks. Our image editors use Photoshop for the majority of the projects. Besides, they use Lightroom for image organization and bulk editing.
Clipping path, masking, background removal, color correction, and shadow creation are the most common tasks of a graphic designer at UCP. Apart from these, retouching and restoring ecommerce product images are also not very uncommon.
Finding the right photo editing company can be a daunting task if you do not have a systematic checklist to follow. The criteria for a trusted photo editing company include but are not limited to the expertise of the image editors, response time, payment method, age of the firm, turnaround time, and testimonials of the clients. You should consider these when choosing a photo editing company for your project.